Subscribe to TT GREEN on AWS Marketplace for seamless access (AWS account required).

Our Pricing & Plans


Most Popular


$12,000 / per year

1 Headquarter Profile

1 Subsidiary Profile

5 Member seats

Best for SME

For carbon management

Emission report


$26,800 / per year

1 Headquarter Profile

1 Subsidiary Profile

10 Member seats

Best for SME

For ESG data collection

Emission and ESG reports


$61,800 / per year

1 Headquarter Profile

4 Subsidiary / branches profiles

25 member seats

Best for corporations with multiple locations

For ESG data collection

Emission and ESG reports

Customized Solution

Do you own multiple entities with multiple office locations or subsidiaries, or with different business natures? We can provide a customized solution for you. Contact us now!

Carbon Membership for only $800

Interested in Carbon Credit Trading? Accessing the Carbon Market has never been easier. Join our Carbon Membership for expert assistance!

Compare Features



Free Trial


Free Trial


Global Carbon Footprint Calculator*2

Access to Carbon Credit Projects

Carbon Trade Wallet

Carbon Trade & Offset Service*3

Boundaries & Intensity Settings

Emissions Goal Tracking

Environmental Data Input

Social Data Input

Governance Data Input

Emissions Analysis & Comparison Dashboard 

IoT Data Dashboard*4

Supplier Data Management Tool

ESG Reporting tool for GRI & HKEX Standard

GHG Accounting Tool for TCFD & SBTi Framework

Apply to TT GREEN® Partner: 

    • Audit
    • Consultation
    • Green Loan Services
    • Carbon Neutral Label

Access to TT GREEN® Events 


ESG Reports (per standard & year)

Auto-Generated Emissions Reports (Annual & Quarterly)


Dashboard Data (.xls .xlsx .csv)

ESG Reports (.pdf .doc .docx)

Auto-Generated Emissions Reports (.pdf .doc .docx)

Supplier Data Management Reports (.xls .xlsx .csv)


Online Customer Service

Access to Help Center

Dedicated Account Manager


  1. The functionality of included features in Free Trial version will be limited.
  2. The carbon footprint calculator will be integrated into the emissions analysis and comparison dashboard, automatically calculating and displaying results.
  3. There may be fees associated with each carbon credit transaction and overseas telegraphic transaction for our services.
  4. An initial setup fee is required for integration, and a monthly fee will be charged for each IoT data point.